  • 产品名称:美国MARK-10 Series 3测力计

  • 产品型号:M3-500,M3-200,M3-100
  • 产品厂商:美国MARK-10
  • 产品文档:
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美国MARK-10 Series 3测力计是一款精度为±0.3%的测力计,量程为M3-012到M3-500共11款。带USB接口。
美国MARK-10 Series 3测力计特点:
High-speed 2,000 Hz sampling rate
USB data output
Ultra-compact size
Large backlit graphic display
Programmable set points with pass/fail indicators
Live load bar graph with set point markers
Peak readings and set points always displayed
Configurable audio alarms and key tones

Accuracy: ±0.3% of full scale ±1 digit
Sampling rate: 2,000 Hz
Power: AC or rechargeable battery. Multi-step low battery indicator is displayed, gauge shuts off automatically when power is too low.
Battery Life: Backlight on: up to 7 hours of continuous use
Backlight off: up to 24 hours of continuous use
Measurement units: lbF, gF, kgF, N (depending on model)
USB Output: By pressing DATA key only. Configurable up to 115,200 baud.
Configurable Settings: Digital filters, USB output settings, backlight, automatic shutoff, key tones, audio alarms, default settings, calibration
Safe overload: 150% of full scale (display shows “OVER” at 110% and above)
Weight: M3-012 - M3-100: 0.7 lb [0.33 kg]
M3-200 - M3-500: 0.9 lb [0.41 kg]
Included items: Carrying case, chisel, cone, V-groove, hook, flat, extension rod, universal voltage AC adapter, battery, quick-start guide, USB cable, resource CD (USB driver, MESURTM Lite software, MESURTMgauge DEMO software, and user's guide), NIST-traceable certificate of calibration (data is available for an additional charge)